
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

‘Marcos robbed of .5-m votes in Quezon’

A DAY before Congress proclaims the president and vice president, a witness from Quezon province revealed that some 500,000 votes were shaved from the tally of independent vice presidential candidate Senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and were added to the votes of his rival, Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo, who won by only 263,000 votes in the official count.
Robredo is set to be proclaimed today by Congress as winner in the vice presidential race.
Several hundreds of thousands of votes were also deducted from the votes of President-elect Rodrigo Duterte, Vice President Jejomar Binay and Senator Grace Poe and transferred to the administration’s presidential candidate Manuel Roxas II, the witness said.

The witness said the vote shaving and vote padding were done in a warehouse that he was told to set up in Lucena for the “covert dagdag-bawas operation” run by the Liberal Party and Smartmatic personnel.
The alleged cheating was carried out by intercepting the transmissions of the results from the precincts to the municipal official board of canvassers.
“The IT personnel hired by the Liberal Party were the ones who transmitted the intercepted results after the vote shaving and vote padding were done,” the witness said.
The witness, a municipal hall official, whose mayor was an LP official, was presented to the media by poll watchdog and civil society group Council on Philippine Affairs  (Copa), headed by Pastor Saycon.
The witness, who requested anonymity and preferred to be called “Ka Bert,” covered his face with a mask for security purposes. He is a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo.In a news conference at the residence of Saycon in Ayala, Alabang, Ka Bert recounted that a month before the May 9 polls, he was told by the LP mayor to find a warehouse that would be converted into a “war room” or command center for monitoring purposes.
“At first I thought it was for monitoring only and so I never [saw] malice [in] the mayor’s order,” Ka Bert said.
He said the mayor and the people from Smartmatic rejected the first warehouse he found because it was far from the voting centers.
“They said they needed a place that was close to the voting centers so I found them a place near the city hall, which was also close to the voting centers,” he said.
Several computers, TV monitors and other office equipment were brought in, he said.
“One week before the elections, I was surprised that at least nine vote counting machines or VCMs arrived and nine IT personnel, hired by LP’s Mar Roxas also came. Five of the nine IT personnel were from Smartmatic and the four others were from Quezon province,” the witness said.
“I thought at first the VCMs were intended to replace those that will conk out,” the witness said.
“On the day of the elections, after 5 p.m., I was shocked to see the IT people becoming busy operating the VCMs and started tinkering the machines and to my dismay, started changing the results, the figures, the votes. The total number of votes were the same except that the votes for Robredo and Roxas had been padded from the votes that were shaved from their opponents,” the witness said.
“When the VCMs started to get transmissions from the precincts, I asked the IT people why were there transmissions coming in because I knew that from the voting precincts, the transmissions should go straight to the transparency server of the [Commission on Elections]. They told me that it was they who would transmit the votes,” he said.
Ka Bert said he personally saw how votes transmitted from the voting precincts were being changed before they were transmitted to the transparency server.
He added that even the votes of Duterte were shaved and transferred to Roxas. He said the votes of Binay and Poe were also reduced in favor of Roxas.
“But the biggest reduction was made against Marcos because some 500,000 of his votes were given to Robredo. For Duterte it was about 300,000 votes, for Binay, about 200,000 and Grace Poe, too,” he said.
In the Certificate of Canvass for Quezon province, Robredo won with 385,164 votes over Marcos’ 173,394 votes.
He said a staff of Roxas was the one who gave money to the IT guys for the operation.
“I recognized him as a Roxas guy because every time Roxas would visit our province, he was with the advance party who was arranging the itinerary of the secretary,” Ka Bert said in Filipino.
He said the LP and Smartmatic IT personnel used “jammers” to intercept the results and the Board of Election Inspectors from the precinct level to the municipal and provincial thought they had successfully transmitted the results.
 “They did not notice that their transmissions had been intercepted and hijacked,” the witness said.
He said he started to become suspicious when the VCMs began arriving and was given the consistent answer of “stop asking questions, this is an order from the top.”
Ka Bert said he decided to expose the election cheating because he could not stomach how the whole election system was bastardized in his area.
In fact, he said, four of the IT personnel, who manned the VCMs in the Lucena warehouse would join him in testifying when needed. 
“They are also willing to testify and they have many documents to prove that indeed the illegal transmission of votes from all over Quezon province, and the vote shaving and vote padding happened,” Ka Bert said.
Saycon said there was a need to investigate the elections because of the many anomalies reported.
“There was wholesale pre-shading [of ballots], massive vote buying, SD card manipulation, and there was a change in the hash code, and now, transmission diversion,” Saycon said.
“It was a multi-level operation, so we were surprised that Roxas suddenly became No. 2 and then in the Senate, [Senate President Franklin] Drilon suddenly became No. 1. It’s a good thing Duterte’s lead was overwhelming—but even his votes were shaved, so he should step into this because stealing votes is worse than stealing from the coffers.”

Monday, May 30, 2016

Ferdinand Marcos Military Career.

The Military Career of Ferdinand Marcos

    Hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 8, 1941, the Japanese simultaneously bombed many places in the Philippines, including Clark Field. The 14th Army began its invasion with a landing on Batan Island (not to be confused with Bataan Peninsula), 120 miles (190 km) off the north coast of Luzon on the same day, by selected naval infantry units. Landings on Camiguin Island and at Vigan, Aparri, and Gonzaga in northern Luzon followed two days later. Marcos would be one of the 78,000 Filipino and American troops who surrendered at Bataan on April 9, 1942, four months after the Japanese initiated their invasion of the Philippines. He survived the Bataan Death March that followed the surrender. 
April 9, 1942 - Bataan Death March

  In 1962, Marcos would claim to be the "most decorated war hero of the Philippines" by garnering almost every medal and decoration that the Filipino and American governments could give to a soldier. Included in his 27 war medals and decorations are that of the Distinguished Service Cross and the Medal of Honor, the Purple Heart, the Silver Star, and the Philippine Medal of Valor.

Marcos's claims in his self-commissioned autobiography Marcos of the Philippines that Gen. Douglas MacArthur pinned on him the Distinguished Service Cross medal for delaying Japanese at Bataan for 3 months.

Marcos also have led a 9,000-man guerrilla force called Ang Mahárlika (Tagalog, "The Freeman") in northern Luzon during World War II. His account of events was later cast into doubt after a United States military investigation exposed many of his claims as either false or inaccurate. Meanwhile, Marcos claimed that he was able to get the United States Adjutant General to recognize 3,500 individual claims of soldiers then under his command.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ferdinand Marcos bought the Kalayaan Island in Spratlys for 1 peso.

LtJG  Domingo Tucay reading proclamation at the Kalayaaan Islands in Spratlys. Source:

Philippines’ claim over the Spratlys started when Tomas Cloma landed at its biggest island in 1956. A seafaring adventurer and owner of a fishing business, Cloma made a “Proclamation to the whole world” that a new state called  “The Free Territory of Freedomland” was created. He asserted sovereignty over the area although no country formally recognized his claims.

Cloma, who was also the founder of the Philippine Maritime Institute, was later jailed during the martial law for the fraudulent use of the “admiral” title (his drinking buddies at the National Press Club called him “Admiral”).
He was released after he surrendered all his claims to the islands to Marcos for only one peso. Afterwards, Marcos officially transformed the biggest island (“Pag-Asa Island”) into a fortification, the first and probably the last time that our country was able to add a new territory.

Some People worship Ferdinand Marcos like a GOD.

Unlike most Filipinos who vilify the late dictator, a group of peasants in Ilocos Norte and in the mountains of Abra province worship Ferdinand Marcos like a saint.
In fact, they gather every month in their own chapel dressed in white flowing robes to worship the long-dead Marcos. Inside the chapel, they face an altar where the picture of the sacred heart of Jesus is displayed–with Jesus Christ’s face replaced by that of Marcos.
For the cult members, Marcos didn’t steal but “simply kept the fortune they accused him of stealing.” They also added that “time will come when all the money will be recovered and used for the development of our country.”
According to cult leader Rodolfo Cabusao, their group started as a member of the Rizalian Brotherhood which have long believed that Rizal was Christ’s reincarnation. They began worshiping Marcos when the strongman died in 1989, the same year when Cabusao claimed that Marcos appeared in his dream and proclaimed himself as God’s disciple.

Ferdinand Marcos knew that the U.S. secretly stored nuclear weapons in the country, but never told anyone.

This is according to a document released by the National Security Archive based in George Washington University.
The said top-secret memo was from US career diplomat Robert McClintock. He informed then acting secretary of the US State Department that the storage of nuclear weapons “would be covered by executive privilege and not divulged to the Symington Subcommittee on overseas commitments.”
The memo also suggests that the nuclear weapons have been stored in the country for many years “without prior consultation with the Philippine Government.”
The document added: The fact that President Marcos was secretly informed of the presence of these weapons in 1966 would not work to his advantage in the elections. The Philippine government and public are not aware of storage nor of President Marcos’ knowledge thereof.”

Ferdinand Marcos launched the first Philippine-made rocket.

Yes, you heard that right: A rocket made in the Philippines.  Launched in Caballo Island (near Corregidor), the rocket was part of “Project Santa Barbara” which was participated by a group of scientists and the Philippine Navy.

Since December 1972, a series of 37 dynamic tests had been conducted on the 180 MM rocket. The project, initiated by President Marcos, also involved testing of other weapons and armaments.
On September 1975, four “bongbong” rockets (obviously named after Marcos’ son) were successfully launched. Asked about why the country was experimenting in making its own ballistic missiles, President Marcos explained:
“The defense of the Philippines cannot be left to alliance with other countries. We must assume that there will be contingencies where even the United States may not be ready to come to our assistance.”

Ferdinand Marcos was a memory whiz.

Marcos was so smart he single-handedly topped the 1939 Bar Examinations (with near-perfect score) despite being in jail for 27 days!
Perhaps we can attribute it to his photographic memory which reportedly gave him the ability to memorize complicated texts such as the the 1935 Philippine Constitution and recite them forward and backward.
Several people can attest to Marcos’ incredible memory, and they include Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago who once served as the late president’s speech writer.
“One time, the Secretary of Justice forgot to tell me that the President had requested him to draft a speech….” said Miriam during an interview with the Philippine Star.
“And then, on the day the President was to deliver the speech, he suddenly remembered because Malacañang was asking for the speech, so he said, ‘This is an emergency. You just have to produce something.’
…He (Marcos) liked long speeches. I think that was 20 or 25 pages. And then, in the evening, I was there, of course. President Marcos recited the speech from memory.”

Saturday, May 28, 2016

2 Facts about Ferdinand Marcos Religion.

1. He was baptized into the Aglipayan Church.

Happy family: From left to right are Pacifico E. Marcos, Josefa Edralin Marcos (matriarch), Elizabeth Marcos, Mariano Marcos y Rubio (patriarch), and Ferdinand E. Marcos. The youngest child, Fortuna, was not yet born when this photo was taken. Source: Old Manila Facebook Page

Born on September 11, 1917 in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte, Ferdinand Marcos was baptized into the Aglipayan or Philippine Independent Church.
The church was founded in 1902 by Isabelo de los Reyes and a Roman Catholic priest named Gregorio Aglipay who also became its first Supreme Bishop.
Members of this church reject the spiritual authority of the Pope as well as the doctrine of the Trinity. They also denied the existence of angels, devils, miracles, and other supernatural manifestations.

2. He changed religion in order to marry Imelda in a Catholic church.

When Marcos first met Imelda Romualdez in 1954, it was love at first sight. So after only two weeks of courtship, the couple tied the knot first in a civil ceremony in Baguio City followed by a church wedding at the Pro Cathedral of San Miguel in Manila.
To make this possible, Imelda had to convince Ferdinand to convert from his native Aglipayan religion to Roman Catholicism. She succeeded in persuading the latter, and the church wedding was held afterwards with President Ramon Magsaysay as the principal sponsor.

Imelda claims she had nothing to do with the Beatles fiasco.

1966 was the year the English rock band The Beatles made a promise to never return to the Philippines. And they have remained true to their word.
But what really transpired during the Beatles’ Manila concert tour?
Actually, there are two versions of the story, and we’ll start with the one that most people, including Beatles historians, believe.
Flashback to July 3, 1966, the Beatles had just arrived in the Philippines, the second stop of their World Tour.
Prior to that, promoter Ramon Ramos of the Cavalcade International Promotions sent a wire to the Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein while the group was still in Tokyo. Ramos informed them about the courtesy call on Mrs. Marcos that would take place as soon as they arrive in the Philippines.
He received no reply, but assumed acceptance so he finalized the schedule of the said courtesy call. And this is when all the horror started.
First Lady Imelda Marcos prepared well for the luncheon, expecting that the rock band would attend the event. She even invited hundreds of people including senators, congressmen, cabinet secretaries, and other VIPs. But everything ended in disappointment when the Beatles refused to show up.
The Beatles composed of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr performed Live in Manila on July 4, 1966 at the Rizal Memorial Football Stadium. Front Acts: Reycard Duet, Wing Duo, Lemons Three, Eddie Reyes and D’Downbeats, Dale Adriatico and Pilita Corrales. Source:
The next day, July 4, 1966, the Beatles had their two concerts at the Rizal Memorial Stadium. Nothing unusual happened, although the group performed only 10 songs which lasted for less than 30 minutes.
All hell broke loose when they were about to leave Manila the next day. Irked by the seemingly cold response of the group to her invitation, Imelda Marcos reportedly turned the Beatles’ departure into a total chaos. When the group reached Manila Airport, no one bothered to help them with their luggage, the escalator was turned off, and all VIP privileges were removed.
Worse, the Beatles and their entourage was “jostled, kicked and punched as they made their way to the departure gate for their KLM flight to London.” Their manager was also forced to surrender $17,000 cash to the Bureau of Internal Revenue before they were able to leave.
Needless to say, it was a traumatic experience for the “Fab Four.” Such was the impact of the 1966 Manila tour that they decided to terminate all of their live performances afterwards, paving the way for their ‘studio years.’
But Imelda Marcos begs to differ.
In a statement published in the Philippine Star, Marcos points out that the Beatles fiasco was a result of miscommunication, and that she and the First Family had nothing to do with it. She also claims that when she heard that the group was being mishandled by disappointed Filipinos at the airport, “I immediately ran to the airport to have it stopped.”
“I would never dream of hurting the world’s No. 1 band”, she added. “Whatever motivated the people to treat them that way was not my doing. They could have done it out of sympathy and I think it was wrong. I abhor violence.”

How the “world’s richest girl” bailed out Imelda Marcos.

Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos welcomes Ms. Doris Duke in a dinner and Philippine folklore song and dance presentation at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City. Photo Credit: Ramon Lopez via Flickr.

Tobacco heiress Doris Duke was known for two things: Her wealth and philanthropy. The only child of American Tobacco Company president James Biddle Duke, Doris earned the title “the richest girl in the world” when her deceased father left her a fortune in 1925.
We all know that Imelda Marcos likes befriending socialites and heiresses, so it should come as no surprise that Doris Duke was included on her list. A friend of the heiress said that Duke had traveled to the Philippines during the Marcos era and came back with only nice things to say.
To cut the long story short, Duke considered Marcos as her pal and vice versa.
Now back to Imelda Marcos. In 1988, the Marcoses and eight other defendants were facing racketeering charges in the US. They were accused of fraud and embezzlement of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Manhattan real estate.
With billions stored in their bank accounts, the Marcoses could easily afford the $5 million bail. But here’s the catch: The authorities froze most of their assets.
This is when Doris Duke came to the rescue. She believed her old friend didn’t commit any crimes so she agreed to post $5 million dollars worth of municipal bonds for Marcos. However, she didn’t offer it for free. On her will, Duke authorized her executors to recover all the money she was owed once things go back to normal in the Philippines.

Ferdinand Marcos was not Imelda’s “ideal man.”

We already heard about the whirlwind romance between Ferdinand and Imelda (they got married after an 11-day courtship). Although not impossible, it’s still surprising how a romantic relationship could blossom that quick. Besides, the late dictator didn’t possess half of the qualities of Imelda’s ideal man.
“So who was her ideal guy?”, you may ask.
According to Lourdes “Lulu” Ferrares, one of Imelda’s closest childhood friends in Leyte, he must be “tall, have dark sunkissed skin and soulful eyes.”
Some men whom she met in her life certainly had those qualities, and they include a student doctor named Justo Zibala who lived only a few blocks away from Imelda’s house in Tacloban. But religion (Justo was a Protestant, Imelda a Catholic) was the main hindrance why the two never ended up together.
And then came Ariston Nakpil, a Harvard University graduate, son of the very beautifulAnita Noble, and at that time, one of Manila’s most eligible bachelors. He was tall, handsome, and had every thing Imelda was looking for a man. But there’s one obstacle: Ariston was not yet annulled from his previous marriage.
Imelda was so in love with the prominent architect, but even her father and the rest of her family were against the relationship. In the end, she decided to break up with Ariston to marry Ferdinand Marcos, then a neophyte congressman whose high ambition would later change Imelda’s life forever.

Imelda worked as a sales girl at a music store in Escolta.

With only 5 pesos in her purse, 23-year-old Imelda arrived in Manila in 1952 to receive formal music training (she was an aspiring opera singer back then) and at the same time, find a job to support her education.
Her cousin, Congressman Danieling Romualdez, welcomed her to his huge mansion at Santa Mesa Heights where Imelda would stay for a while. And true to his promise to his uncle, Vicente Orestes, Danieling helped Imelda find a job. At that time, one of Imelda’s stepbrothers was already working in the legal department of P.E. Domingo, and Danieling thought it’s a great idea to let her work in the same store.
So off she went to P.E. Domingo, a music store located at the foot of Jones Bridge and where pianos and musical pieces could be bought. Imelda worked as a sales girl-receptionist who would play the piano and sing the lyrics for interested buyers. It was mostly a menial work, but she didn’t bother. For her, it was a stepping stone for a bigger stage.
Her stint at the music store ended as soon as Vicente Orestes arrived in Manila. Believing that the job was too demeaning for Imelda, he asked Danieling to find a more “respectable” work for his cousin.
Thanks to her relatives who held high government positions at that time, Imelda was hired as a clerk at the Central Bank despite having no civil service eligibility.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Pag-doble sa lugar, posibleng pandaraya? as a result of Certificate of Canvass.

 Tally Sheets - Certificate of Canvass
2016 Elections for the Vice President
as of May 26,20016


Narito po ang dalawang Certificate of Canvass na ating nakuha mula sa isang kinikilalang pangalan na si Tina Panganiban Perez, kung atin pong susuriin meron po tayong dalawang papel ng certificate of canvass na nagpapakita ng resulta ng mga boto mula sa ibat-ibang rehiyon. Tignan po natin yung No.90 at No.101 pareho po silang "Sorsogon" ang Sorsogon po ay hawak ng Robredo at malaki ang boto na nakiha ni Leni don, ang boto kay Leni ay 97,129 at kay BBM ay 20,709, Gayon din ang Tarlac na nagkaroon si Leni ng 243,756 at si BBM ng 214,166, Ngunit ang tanong, bakit doble ang Sorsogon at Tarlac sa Certificate of Canvass? kung doble yon natural lalaki ang boto na makukuha ni Leni.

Dapat po maayos yan at bakit naging ganyan ang resulta.

Shocking: the Philippines is the RICHEST COUNTRY in the WORLD


Did you know about - MARCOS GOLD?

This was the "MARCOS WEALTH" that some POLITICIAN and CHURCHMEN kept on saying was the:

" ILL - GOTTEN " Marcos Wealth..

Brief History

From 1866 to 1898 , Prince Julian Macleod Tallano, who became titleholder of OCT 01-4 in 1864 - ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE 01-4 PROTOCOL ,The number 01 refers to the ONE NATION, known in pre - Hispanic times as MAHARLIKA. The number 4 refers to the original four regions og this nation:(1) Luzon (2) Visayas (3) Mindanao (4) Palawan , has been frequenting the Vatican.

In 1934, under Pope PiusXII , the Vatican negotiated with the member of the Filipino Royal Family, the Christian Tallano clan in Maharlika. An agreement was reached that 640,000 metric tons of the Tallano gold would be LENT to the Pope. This was part of that gold accumulated by the Southeast Asian Srivijayan/Madjapahit Empire during its glorious reign of 900 years.

In 1939, two members of the Tallano family and Roman Catholic Priest , Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz brought the gold from Kota Kinabalu , Sabah to the Vatican.

After doing this, Fr Diaz went back to the Maharlika and resided in Cabanatuan City.

After World War II , he facilitated the safe return of the 640,000 metric tons of GOLD from the Vatican tovthe Maharlika .Manuel Acuna Roxas( relative of the Acuna/ Tagean/ Tallano clan), then a congressman, and Bishop Enrique Sobrepena Sr, in the presence of Atty. Lorenzo Tanada, RECEIVED the gold in Manila.


There is good reason to believe, even from further along in this account , that the young attorney FERDINAND E. MARCOS was involved in the return of the GOLD. Certainly by all accounts we have seen jt was Ferdinand Marcos and Diaz who shared in the enormous 30% commission- that is 192,000 TONS of Gold worth around $4 TRILLION today(2006) - for handling this transaction.



A lease agreement was made between the Tallano clan and the Maharlika government. A total of 640,000 metric tons of gold was deposited in the newly installed Central Bank of the Maharlika to comply with its requirement for GOLD RESERVE. Under the terms of the contract , the Central Bank became the HOLDER of that gold. That LEASE agreement will EXPIRE in the year 2005.

~~~The Tallano Foundation has given notice of the termination of this 50 year lease following the additional 5 year discretionary period on December 31,2005 but remains unable to obtain an inventory of this asset even though the CENTRAL BANK( now Bangko Sentral Pilipinas ) is no longer entitled to HOLD the gold.~~~


Having gained the trust and confidence of Fr Diaz, the Tallano clan made him the main negotiator and trustee of their gold. Fr Diaz in turn, hired the services of ATTY. FERDINAND E MARCOS. , then a RECOMMENDED BRILLIANT YOUNG LAWYER having attained notoriety when he successfully defended himself in the " NALUNDASAN CASE" in 1939.

Tha TALLANO clan paid commission to Fr. Diaz and Atty .Marcos in gold, 30% From the principal of 640, 000 metric tons.


In 1949. The two richest men in the world were Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz and Atty. Ferdinand E. Marcos . Between the two of them they legitimately earned and owned 192,000 metric tons of GOLD- from TALLANO CLAN and Maharlika Government.

Ferdinand Marcos withdrew their share of the gold from the Central Bank and minted it " RP -CB". Sometime later, Fr.Diaz and Marcos brought their gold to SWITZERLAND , in the SWISS BANK CORPORATION in Zurich.

The remaining 400,000 metric tons of TALLANO GOLD- ( Prince Lacan Acuna Macleod Tallano- son of Rajah Soliman Tagean and grandson of Maharajah Luisong Tagean) is in the third floor basement of the CENTRAL BANK MINTING PLANT in East Ave. Quezon City.

There are 950,000 metric tons of Gold (declearedmissing in the International Court of Justice) picked up by Yamshita from its European ally, Hitler.

..... Let's review some numbers at this point because there are certainly some unexplained LOSSES along the way.

The Tagean- Tallano gold started at 720,000 tons . 640,000 tons were transported to the Vatican and back, leaving 80,000 tons unaccounted from the outset.

Out of 640,000 tons, 192,000 tons were paid in commission, which should be leave 448,000 tons- but somehow hat number as become 400,000 tons , leaving another 48,000 tons unaccounted.

Following this story there are 128,000 (80,000 plus 48,000) tons of gold which somehow " slipped through the cracks" in addition to 192,000 earned in commission, WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN.. Opppsss!!!

Out of the remaining 400,000 tons we do not know how much remains. We know there was an effort to do a major " disappearing act" when the old Central Bank morphed into the new Bangko Sentral Pilipinas- but a recent decision of the SUPREME COURT ( Banco Filipino versus BSP ) has upheld that BSP is responsible for the liabilities of the old Central Bank.


The POINT is that ultimately , a complete accounting should show where ALL of the original 720, 000 tons WENT- not to mention estimated 1.2 MILLION tons of Yamashita treasure ( combined German and Japanese plunder) identified above ( that is very nearly TWO MILLION TONS OF GOLD worth more than $38 TRILLION at todays price 2006)


The phony, CIA backed EDSA " PEOPLE POWER " exhibition of 1986 had one primary purpose and that was to take this vast QUANTITY OF GOLD from the Philippines and the FILIPINO PEOPLE for the benefit of the INTERNATIONAL BANKING CARTEL to enslave mankind.



......When Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz , died in 1974 all the 30% COMMISSION in gold became the legendary " MARCOS GOLD" . After providing for his family in Marcos ' Letter of Instruction, the whole wealth derived from this was supposed to be given to the FILIPINO PEOPLE . This was the "MARCOS WEALTH" that some POLITICIAN and CHURCHMEN kept on saying was the:

" ILL - GOTTEN " Marcos Wealth..

WHY THIS WEALTH HAS BEEN LABELED " ILL - GOTTEN " a little further along in our STUDY , that unti today is in MARCOS SECRET ACCOUNTS.


In his GRAND PLAN, MARCOS wanted to RE ESTABLISHED the former grandeur of MAHARLIKA and the whole region of SOUTHEAST ASIA , the former MALAYAN EMPIRE.

In June 1983, Marcos appeared before the First World leaders in Toronto. He announced his plan to boost economy of the Southeast Asia Region by creating ASIAN DOLLAR. This would be backed up by the 400,000 metric tons of gold in Central Bank.

The ASIAN DOLLAR , backed up by the two thirds of all gold in the world that was in the Maharlika. Would made the Maharlika money more valuable and stronger that the American dollar. This was his vision to raise Southeast Asia to be par with the rest of the first world countries.

There is plenty of solid evidence of a program MARCOS worked on with American President Ronald Reagan, which referred to as the ABL ( ANG BAGONG LIPUNAN) program. Under this program some 250 sets of gold , documentation and related ABL currency were to be shipped to various countries around the world.


To this day, the 400,000 metric tons of GOLD are still in the CENTRAL BANK in East Avenue , Quezon City. NOBODY CAN MOVE it because Marcos insured it with the LLOYDS OF LONDON and its agents are guarding it.


Not only have SUCCESSIVE GOVERNMENTS of the Philippines failed to ACKNOWLEDGE the existence of the GOLD, they have CONSPIRED to keep this information from being KNOWN to the Filipino People.

We assume this is because they have been working at ways to convert the GOLD for their own selfish gain, probably in conspiracy with the International Banking Cartel.


Immediately after Ferdinand Marcos was REMOVED from the office by a U.S MILITARY helicopter , the NEWLY installed PRESIDENT CORAZON AQUINO , formed the PCGG- Presidential Commission on Good Government, PURPORTEDLY to go after the Marcos - ILL GOTTEN WEALTH.

" IT WAS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE CONSPIRATORS THAT THIS WEALTH SHOULD BE LABELLED ~~ILL - GOTTEN~~ even though, as has already been shown , MR MARCOS was in his OWN RIGHT the WEALTHIEST MAN on the face of the EARTH and had absolutely no need to take anything from anyone.


A decision of the FEDERAL SUPREME COURT OF SWITZERLAND dated December 21,1990 said......"... By decision of May 29,1986 , the attorney general of District of Zurich accepted in principle to the legal assistance requested by the PHILIPPINES and invited all the banks of the City of Zurich to FREEZE IMMEDIATELY all the accounts, deposits or safes of the persons, companies or foundations ( of MARCOS) in the order...."


THE ACCOUNTS WERE FROZEN at the request of the government of the Philippines and the PCGG has ensured they have remained FROZEN to this day.


This is all a GRAND SCHEME OR SCAM. BLINDED Filipinos must keep repeating that MARCOS was a THEIF ( MAGNANAKAW) so that those HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of DOLLARS of Marcos Money will remain FROZEN and not be given to them for their use..

Consequently, they MUST CONSTANTLY BORROW MONEY from International Monetary Fund( IMF) and World Bank ( WB) with SO MUCH INTEREST so that this COUNTRY WILL REMAIN A SLAVE and SHACKLED to the foreign powers.

HISTORY will show that the money was not stashed away and inaccessible but AVAILABLE to truly deserving Filipinos.

There was NOTHING SECRET about Marcos Accounts. These ACCOUNTS were ONLY MADE SECRET by some people in the government so that the PUBLIC would not know its REAL STORY.


During a talk show in U.S TV the week following the bombing of the New York Twin Towers, PRES BUSH was asked this question:

WHICH IS THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD TODAY ? With a smile   he said : THE PHILIPPINES, Marcos knew it, but he could not talk.

At the time they made sure that MARCOS would not longer talk. After kidnapping him from Malacanang , they put him in a golden prison in Hawaii.

So much about the SARSUELA of the 1986 EDSA PEOPLE POWER REVOLUTION, the Roman Catholic Archbishops, his priests, the seminarians, his nuns, and his FOLLOWERS who just PRAY, PAY AND OBEY. These TRAITORS on the Filipino people did a good job IN FAVOR OF THOSE TWO FOREIGN ALMIGHTY POWERS.


The invisible and long arm of the the foreign powers are now EXPOSED AND BROUGHT to light so that everyone will see the real , greater and hidden MANIPULATORS and AUTHORS of the miseries of this country today.

On FEBRUARY 28, 1986 ( two days after Cory Aquino was sworn as President but before the proclamation of her Revolutionary Government throught Proclamation No.3 on March 25, 1986, Cory Aquino created the PCGG through her Executive Order No. 1 section 2 says:

" The Commission shall be charged with the task of assissting the President in regard to the following matters:

a. The recovery of all ill- gotten wealth accumulated by the Former Resident Ferdinand Marcos , his immediate family, relatives

B. The investigation of such cases of graft and corruption..

So far, the PCGG had succeeded in sequestering 88 BILLION PESOS, allegedly the " ill- gotten wealth" of Marcos.


PRESIDENT FERDINAND E. MARCOS had a wonderful VISION MIND for his people and for the people of the world, as can be presumed from his efforts to implement the ABL PROGRAM mentioned above. But he had some problems.

Marcos could not announce possession of the gold plundered by the Germans and the Japanese during World War Two until some time after 1986 because of the ruling of the International Criminal Court in 1976.

Today, the truth can be made known and shouted from the rooftops: THE PHILIPPINES IS THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD..


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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

VP issue divides Congress

CONGRESS CONVENES Senate President Franklin Drilon (second from left) and House Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. turn over the contents of one ballot box to Sen. Koko Pimentel and Rep. Boyet Gonzales at the Batasang Pambansa complex. 

Can the winning presidential candidate in the May 9 elections be proclaimed ahead of the winning vice presidential candidate?
The leaders of the canvassing panels of the House of Representatives and the Senate are divided on the matter, but the decision ultimately rests with the members of Congress.
The question arose on Tuesday when Congress convened as the national board of canvassers (NBOC) to count the votes for the country’s top elective posts amid the landslide win of Rodrigo Duterte in the presidential race and the hairline lead of Leni Robredo over Bongbong Marcos in the vice presidential contest based on an unofficial quick count.

Marcos has raised suspicion about the quick count by the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV), the citizens’ arm of the Commission on Elections (Comelec).
Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II, head of the House canvassing panel, said he could not see how separate proclamations could be done.
He noted that the certificates of canvass (COCs) contained the votes for both President and Vice President so that questioning the result for one position would mean questioning that for the other.
But Sen. Aquilino Pimentel III, head of the Senate canvassing panel, said separate proclamations could be done “theoretically,” although it did not happen before for the positions of President and Vice President.
But Pimentel told reporters that he saw no legal impediment to the idea of proclaiming the President earlier.
Sen. Vicente Sotto III, a member of the Senate canvassing panel, also believed the President could be proclaimed ahead of the Vice President.

“What we don’t want is for there to be a vacuum. We abhor vacuums,” Sotto said in an ambush interview.
He said there could be separate proclamations because the Senate leadership made it clear that under the canvassing rules, the board could tackle separately the issues or objections concerning the votes for President and the votes for Vice President in the COCs.
This means that there would be no delays with regard to the positions where the COCs have not been questioned.
Sotto initially moved during the joint Congress session to include in the canvassing rules the separate handling of the issues concerning the votes for President and Vice President.
But Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano said Sotto’s proposal was already included in the inherent powers of the NBOC. Sotto withdrew his motion.
But Gonzales said the COC for one province or city contained the votes for President, Vice President and even the senators. If the execution of a COC for a province is OK, then it is OK for all the positions, he added.
“You can’t be blind about the observations for the votes for  President and then have your eyes open for the observations for votes for Vice President,” he told reporters.

Panels formed
The Senate and the House formed the canvassing committee during a joint session on Tuesday and approved the rules that would govern the proclamation of the country’s next leaders.
For the Senate, the panel will be headed by Pimentel. Its members are Senators Sonny Angara, Ralph Recto, Teofisto Guingona III, Sergio Osmeña III, Juan Ponce Enrile and Sotto.
The alternate members are Senators Cynthia Villar and JV Ejercito.
For the House, the panel will be headed by Gonzales and its members are Cavite Rep. Elpidio Barzaga, Marikina Rep. Miro Quimbo, Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, Capiz Rep. Fredenil Castro, and 1BAP Rep. Silvestre Bello.
The alternates are Pampanga Rep. Oscar Rodriguez, Akbayan Rep. Ibarra Gutierrez, Camarines Sur Rep. Rolando Andaya and San Juan Rep. Ronaldo Zamora.

Marcos challenge

Marcos had indicated that there were COCs from several provinces that his camp intended to challenge for supposedly questionable results.
The areas included the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, where he said there were reports that people were not allowed to vote and that ballots were preshaded.
The ballot boxes containing the COCs were brought to the House from the Senate early on Tuesday morning. They had been housed in the Senate since May 9.
Marcos has questioned the alteration of the script in the transparency server used by the PPCRV, contending that poll officials did not present proof that the change only resulted in a cosmetic and not substantial change.
Last week, Marcos sent a formal letter to the Comelec demanding that his camp be allowed to conduct a systems audit to determine the extent of the effect of the supposedly unsanctioned change in the data packet for a transparency server on the night of Election Day.
He has been suggesting that because of the change in the script in the data packet, supposed irregularities in the count of votes in the vice presidential race occurred.

Count unaffected
Earlier, Comelec and its technology partner Smartmatic had explained that the minor change in the script only involved substituting  “?” that appeared in the names of certain candidates with “ñ” and that this did not affect the counting of the votes.
The Marcos camp claims that the change in the script may have allowed Robredo to overtake him in the PPCRV count.
The senator was trailing Robredo by more than 200,000 votes when the PPCRV ended its quick count last week, with 96.17 percent of election returns counted.
Gonzales said it would be up to the canvassing committee, made up of designated members of both houses of Congress, to decide what action to take on any observations or protests that the camp of Marcos may raise.
But he also said the NBOC was tasked with tabulating the votes, not to investigate alleged fraud.

Bongbong urges immediate proclamation of Duterte

Vice presidential candidate Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. is asking for an early proclamation of presumptive president Davao City Mayor Rodrigo “Rody” Duterte. 

MANILA, Philippines – Vice presidential candidate Sen. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. on Monday afternoon proposed an early proclamation of presumptive president Davao City Mayor Rodrigo “Rody” Duterte.
“As all other presidential candidates have conceded and no question surrounds the votes that he (Duterte) has received I propose the immediate proclamation of our presumptive president Rodrigo Duterte being the clear and uncontested in the presidential election,” Marcos said in his privilege speech at the Senate.
Marcos made the proposal before the House of Representatives convene as the National Board of Canvasser of election results of the president and vice president this week.
The senator, however, contested the results of the vice presidential race, alleging the integrity of the elections was damaged after Smartmatic personnel Marlon Garcia changed a script in the transparency server during the evening of May 9 polls when the transmission of results from canvassing boards nationwide was ongoing. He said he “humbly but firmly reiterates his strong reservation” in the canvassing of the vice presidential race.
Marcos extended his congratulations to Duterte as well as his presidential candidate and running mate Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago.
“Again, I offer him (Duterte) my sincerest congratulations and my hand in friendship partnership for the future. Mr. President the Philippine now looks to you for your leadership and vision,” he said.

“I congratulate and hail my presidential candidate Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago for braving the rigors and stresses of this whirlwind campaign despite her health issues,” Marcos said.
Marcos have earlier asked the Commission on Elections to allow his team to conduct an audit of the system polls to verify the results of the elections following fraud reports.

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